Due to a cold last week, I missed my own one year anniversary in blogging, so I decided to do some celebrating this week. Today I wanted to take a look back at some of the projects I’ve tackled in a year. (It kind of boggles me that I’ve done this stuff and showed our mess to the world – ha!) If you’ve missed any of these projects you can click on the caption below to go directly to that post.

The most popular post by far in the past year has been this one:

Who knew some dollar store frames would get that much attention?

I still use those on a daily basis too. And they haven’t broken yet! 

Next up is my post on how I organize my kitchen. I’ll be honest with you here. I got the command hook idea to organize the measuring cups from my mother’s kitchen as I was growing up. She had a Tupperware rack that held all of hers screwed to the side of a cabinet. I’m not even sure they make it anymore. Especially not in the crazy 70s orange she loved. 😉

Command Hooks are by far one of my favorite organizational tools.

For other posts on kitchen organization click here and here.
I certainly can’t forget my closet clean out. Aside from a few little things (I added a bin to hold extra sheets and need to nest our suitcases again) nothing has really changed here. It’s still very functional and I’m working on another Goodwill donation. 
The Great Closet Clean Up

I still cringe when I think of how much of our “real life” I’ve shown you (shoe prints in the dust on the floor anyone?), but I’m so happy I started blogging. I really want to make this my job but I never want to lose sight of where it began. No matter how many readers I have or how many sponsors I get or if this all goes down in flames, I’m going to try really hard to stay real. I want to thank all of you for sticking by me in the past year. All of your comments, constructive criticism and wisdom have been appreciated 100%. I hope the next year in blogging brings many new, fun things!



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