Hey y’all! As part of our “catch up in June” goal, a few weeks ago I decided to turn this hot mess into a functional command center wall in our kitchen.

Forgive the mess, we’d just torn apart the pantry too and things were a bit, well, a lot messy.

Kitchen Command Wall Before 2I got started by patching and painting the wall in our favorite neutral, Behr’s Bungalow Beige. You can find it at Home Depot as part of their Home Decorator’s collection. We’re planning on remodeling the kitchen hopefully this year (hopefully…) so I didn’t paint the rest of the kitchen yet, which means it looks sort of wonky, but this end of the kitchen is lovely now! 😉

Over the last six months or so I’ve been collecting pieces for this wall. I didn’t want to buy a “set”. I wanted to break out of the mold I’m usually in and try something more eclectic so I made a point to pick up things I liked here and there.

To make it easier on myself (and so I didn’t knock 47 holes in the wall…) I used some left over brown paper from when we painted the basement and traced each piece. Then I poked a hole in the position where each item’s hanger was so we’d know where to drive the nail or add a screw. This was by far my favorite step. It was so nice to get to play around with things. Even hubby got involved.

We settled on this configuration:

Kitchen Command Wall TemplateOnce we came to our decision, Adam said he’d put all the nails and screws in the wall. I was pretty thankful for that. Painting a wall takes a lot out of a girl. 😉

Here’s how it looked when we got it all hung up.

Kitchen Command Wall After

You’ll notice we turned the island as well. (And now that I’m looking at this pic post-editing, I realized I left that paper on the ground for the picture – awesome.) We plan on using those shelves for our massive cookbook collection. I’ll take pics of that when we’re done.

You’ll also notice that the pic says “almost done”. I have some plans to add a little more to the gallery wall feel of it. I’ll be working on those things in July. 😉 More pics to come!

So tell me, what do you think? Do you have a command center in your house? Is it in your kitchen? Mudroom? Let me know!




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