finding coupons

So lately, I’ve shared with you how I’ve managed to simplify the couponing process for myself. You can find those posts by clicking the photos below:

My Simple Coupon System

labeling hanging file folders


Making the Binder Work for Me

Binder tabs


But if I’m not clipping everything, and lugging that binder to the store with me, how do I find the coupons I need quickly? Let me show you.

When I first started couponing, there was no real way to find a specific coupon in a specific insert, but that is no longer the case! We now have really nice coupon database systems that you can search to find both printable and newspaper insert coupons.

Here’s how I use them.

First, I make my shopping list.

Say I need Olay Body Wash and I want to make sure I have a coupon for it. I go to Hot Coupon World and type in Olay. The database then spits out all the coupons listed for Olay items. I may need to search Olay Body Wash instead (sometimes broad searches work better, but sometimes specific is best – it honestly depends on the day and the coupons available – I find it’s best to play around a bit until you get exactly what you want).

Click to enlarge


Once I find the coupon I want I make a note of the date and type of insert it’s in OR if it’s a printable I just go ahead and click on the link and print it off.

Here’s what my list might look like at the end:

Shopping list graphic
PG = Procter and Gamble, RP = Red Plum and SS = Smartsource


Then I just run to my file box, pull the inserts I need and clip!

I just binder clip the coupons to my list and I’m ready to go. Honestly, I find I spend less money with a set list and my coupons ready to go. I’m not making nearly as many impulse buys just because I have a coupon.

You can find my favorite coupon databases below:

Hot Coupon World
Money Saving Mom
Passionate Penny Pincher

Would this help you keep it simple with your savings?




  1. I will be checking out your listed sites. Saving money on stuff you have to buy is awesome! Thank you for linking up to Tips and Tricks! Hope to see you again tomorrow night.

  2. This is great! As soon as I saw your post title, I thought, I KNOW, RIGHT! This is a really cool. I’ll have to check out those databases. Thanks!

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