I know it seems a little weird for me to be writing about this so late in the month when everyone else on the planet has already abandoned resolutions until next year, but I wanted to spend some time talking about my personal goals for 2011.

I don’t like the term resolution because no one ever really keeps their resolutions. They seem to just be a novelty that we discard by the end of the first week in January after we’ve failed and beat ourselves up about it. So this year I decided to write a list of goals for myself rather than “resolve” to do one or two things. I’m a pretty goal oriented person so it helps me to stay on track by having a list.

Here is my list:

1. Pay down debt. (We have already made so much progress with this. My husband and I are working so hard!)
2. Drink more water.
3. Use Wii Fit more often.
4. Read all as many of the books of mine that I have not read but have sitting on the shelf.
5. Increase blogging.
6. Menu plan monthly. (I have actually been doing this, but weekly rather than monthly.)
7. Utilize cookbooks, magazines, and blogs for new free recipes to expand monthly menu.
8. Craft and scrap all of the projects I have before buying new ones. (My crafty friends know how hard this is!)
9. Use Swagbucks more often to reduce spending with our own money. (If you aren’t on Swagbucks, you should check it out! www.swagbucks.com)
10. Be better about mailing birthday and anniversary cards.
11. Get organized about cleaning and home chores.
12. Work on family history.
13. Reduce our output for food and household items.
14. Eat dinner at the dining room table most nights rather than in front of the TV.

That last one has been a big thing for me. Prior to now, my husband and I would debate on what to eat and then end up eating in front of the TV, both of which are bad ideas. You tend to eat junk without a plan and you eat more when you eat in front of the TV. I’m not saying we’re going to lose tons of weight with this plan, but it is a much healthier choice and actually, I think it’s helping us to relax and communicate more. It provides a forum for us to sit and talk without distraction.

I may not reach all of these personal goals, but I’m striving for it. And I’m trying not to beat myself up about the things that haven’t been accomplished yet. I will see progress in 2011. That’s the important thing. 🙂

Have you set goals for the new year?



  1. I love all these goals! Especially using crafty stuff you already have! With baby #2 on the way, we’ve been trying to figure out what we’re doing with all my “stuff”. Using it up is a great idea! HA!

  2. I haven’t set my goals for 2011 🙁
    Is February too late? If not, then organizing my kitchen and EVERY bedroom closet is definitely going on the list.
    Maybe I can start a “goal” series on my blog.
    OK…my goal is to work on making a list of my goals.

  3. Eva – I’ve already broken my own rule about not buying more crafty stuff. But tomorrow is another day to try and succeed right? Haha.

    Re – Is a goal of setting goals like a committee of non-committees? 😉

  4. great goals!! it’s never to late to start goals. we are working very hard at paying down bills this year. we paid off a huge chunk, the end is in sight, woo hooooo!

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