Edited: As promised, you can check out how I made my cute trash bin here.
Before we left for our trip to Florida, I mentioned that I had made an insane list of things for myself to do, most of which had no bearing on our trip at all. One of those things was our laundry area. It’s not a room by a long shot as our apartment seems to be shorted on functional workspace, but it seems to serve the purpose. The only problem was that recently, when I’d go in to throw a load in, I’d see this:
There’s a dryer in there I promise. You just can’t see it for all of the crap on top. Then I’d open the cabinet I designated for laundry supplies and see this:

I realize it could’ve been worse, but I was getting annoyed by how much stuff was in there. Some of which was garbage.
So I took an evening after The Hubs went to bed and did a purge of the cabinet. Here’s what it looks like now:

I mentioned once before that my husband had splurged and bought me some nice Smith and Hawkin baskets from Target. They sit on top of the cabinetry in the laundry/pantry area and one holds our Food Saver and supplies and the other holds holiday cookie tins and our extra lunch boxes. I loved the little faux chalkboards on the sides. I used my Chalk Ink pens to label them. They look so cute up there!

Lastly, I gave the washer and dryer a good wipe down with some Clorox wipes and got caught up on our kitchen linen laundry. 
The basket (which was buried deep in the “before” picture) was an idea from our friends Chris and Jeneane. We were at their house once when I noticed they had a pretty basket casually set aside in their kitchen to catch dirty towels and cloth napkins. We’d been trying to cut back on paper products and I hated seeing a pile of dirty linens on top of the dryer so during my next craft store run, I snagged one 50% off. Now the napkins and dishtowels are corralled in a tidy, decorative way. This time out, I added the little DIY trash bin. Can you guess what it’s made of? How about how much it cost? It was super cheap and it’s great for catching dryer lint and fabric softener sheets. I just empty it when I’m done. 

I’ll be back tomorrow with a run down on how I made the little trash can. 
What do you guys think of the new layout? Is the pink too shocking? I’m still experimenting. Let me know if you like it or hate it. 😉 Cookies if you like it though.
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