I’m a little behind on the Fall decorating this year, what with the move and all, but I have started to decorate. Last weekend I spend some time putting out my fall table linens and I’ve been craft hoarding some supplies for new decor for this year that I need to get finished up.

But, what’s really caught my eye this year has been all the fun stuff at Target Dollar Spot! Though, I have to ask, when did it become the Target $2.50 spot? Annnyway, check out this little guy that I picked up the other night:

I know, I know, some of you probably want to tell me owls aren’t cool in decor blog world anymore, but come on how cute is he?!? And for $2.50! Shut the front door. 
Right now, he’s holding some Halloween candy that I clearly shouldn’t have bought this early. 😉 
Back later today with more savings goodness!


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