

Hey guys! While preparing for my dad’s visit last week from Florida, it became even clearer to me that I have got to purge this house of unwanted “stuff” so I’m super excited to be participating in Heidi from OneCreativeMommy’s #SpringDeJunkChallenge from April 27th through May 7th.

No really, I’ve even gotten hubby on board. (He may have been subtly hinting that we have too much stuff…and I may have been putting it off…a lot.)

And guess what?? YOU can play along too and maybe, just maybe win some money? Who can use some extra money? *raises hand* I bet you can too.

Are you with me?

Welcome to the Spring De-Junk Challenge and Giveaway!


We’re announcing the challenge a week early so that you have time to mark your calendar to be ready to join us on Day 1.

The Instagram Challenge:

For 10 days, do one thing every day to make some progress toward de-junking or spring cleaning your home.  The challenge starts Monday, April 27th, and continues until May 7th. (That’s 11 days, in case you would like to take Sunday off. If you chose to continue through Sunday, you can end the challenge on May 6th.)

  • Each day, pick a spot in your home that you need to clean or de-junk.  (For some, this may be one drawer.  For others, it might be the entire garage.  Do what works for you.  Big or small, it’s still progress!)
  • Before you tackle the mess, take a before photo and share it on Instagram.
  • When you’ve finished dejunking or organinzing that spot, post another photo of your newly cleaned space. Include the hashtag #SpringDeJunkChallenge with both photos so that we can follow your progress and to inspire others to join the fun.
  • No Instagram account?  No problem.  Use Facebook instead.
  • The purpose of taking pictures and posting them is to make the challenge more fun and to inspire other people to join us.  Everything’s more fun with a friend, right?  If taking and posting pictures will keep you from completing the challenge, feel free to skip that part. (I think you’ll find that it’s pretty motivating, though!)

So, are you up for the challenge? Follow your hosts on Instagram (links are in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway) to see how we’re all completing the challenge and to get some ideas.

The Inspiration:

11 bloggers have accepted the challenge. To add to the fun, all 11 of us will share a special post about getting our home in shape for Spring on Day 1 of the challenge. Don’t forget to check back on Monday to get lots of inspiration for your own home.

The Giveaway:

What challenge would be complete without a prize? For most of us, the prize will be a clean and organized home. For one lucky de-junker, the prize will be a little bigger. How about a little something to improve your home? Maybe $210 to spend at Amazon.com?!!!  Sounds good, right? So enter away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you join the challenge, feel free to leave me your Instagram handle in the comments so that I can follow your De-Junking Journey.

Be sure to visit the bloggers sponsoring the series and check out the great ideas on their blogs. We all love new visitors, and we’d love to hear from you!

Heidi from One Creative Mommy

Ang from Juggling Act Mama

Christina from Christina, Plain and Simple

Vicki from Simply Vicki

Kathleen from Fearlessly Creative Mammas

Marilyn from 4 You with Love

Carrie from Frugal Foodie Mama

Mary from Redo Mom

Valerie from Occasionally Crafty

Brittney from The Princess and Her Cowboys

Krystal from Krystal’s Kitsch

Thanks so much for stopping by today, and good luck with the challenge!


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  1. Pingback: Spring DeJunk Challenge - My Process to Purging the Junk - Christina, Plain and Simple

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