This post is sponsored by WaterWipes and Mommy Bag Marketing. Although I received product and financial compensation, all opinions are entirely my own.

WaterWipes Make Up Remover

One of my goals this year, along with simplifying of course, has been that I want to share more of “me” with all of you. One of the big things about me that you haven’t heard me talk about much is my love of make up. No joke. I might just be a make up hoarder. 😉 Seriously, my husband cringes when we head in to Walgreens. He knows I’ll be there scoping out the make up aisles for at least half an hour. Sorry love!

Here’s proof:

My make up stash
I *may* have a problem…

But with all that make up comes a need for make up remover. And since I have sensitive skin and allergies it’s been difficult finding something that won’t stuff up my nose or make me break out like a teenager. Even the fancy department store stuff wreaks havoc on my skin. No kidding. I swear I’ve tried it all. It’s either too astringent, too smelly, or too rough on my skin.

And then came WaterWipes the natural baby wipe! OK, I know what you’re thinking. “A baby wipe? Really?” And my answer is a wholehearted YES! And I can prove it. I’m putting my money where my mouth is and showing you how well they work ON VIDEO. That’s right. You get to watch me remove my make up for all the internet to see. I guess I’m just brave that way. 😉

If it wasn’t clear in the video, I’m pretty much in love with these wipes. They meet all of my requirements for a make up remover. They are all natural, they are unscented, and they are soft. Here’s a close up of the texture:

WaterWipes close up

WaterWipes have the texture I need to remove my make up without being scratchy. Which is why it’s perfect for your baby’s bum too!

Need more reasons to love WaterWipes? Check it out:

  • Most baby wipes, even the “organic” ones contain chemicals that can be harsh on baby’s skin (or yours!). WaterWipes only contain water and grapefruit seed extract.
  • WaterWipes is the only baby wipe ever to be approved by the Independent Allergy UK.
  • WaterWipes are safe for anyone. Even, and especially, those with sensitive skin: babies, toddlers, teens or adults like me!
  • Even better: Anyone with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis can use WaterWipes safely with no adverse effects or discomfort.

I’m even planning on passing some along to my sister in law who, like me, has allergies and struggles to find allergen free products.

I genuinely do love these and I couldn’t be more pleased to work with them. They are now my “go to” make up removing wipe.

Oh! And one more thing for you mamas out there, how would you like to
prevent diaper rash all together? I thought you might. 😉

To find out more about WaterWipes you can find them on Facebook and Twitter

What about you? Do you have a favorite wipe? Are you a make up hound like me? Let me know in the comments!



  1. Love the video! I’m with you in being a big fan of these wipes. They don’t leave your skin dried out or chemically feeling.

    • Christina Reply

      Exactly! It’s just fresh. I even use them when I need a pick me up in the middle of the day.

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