Top Secrets of Big Bloggers Graphic



Round ups – an easy post to throw up and fill editorial calendar space, while highlighting your new blogging friend’s work. If you’ve been around long enough in this world of ours, you know these became popular quickly and (hopefully) drive great traffic.

I’ll admit that what I’m about to share is simple, but it was another “duh” moment for me. I always kind of saw these as filler posts; ways to share other people’s work and get attention on Pinterest. I never really considered how they could benefit me aside from getting repins or being eye catching because I had “50 Ways to Cook Eggs” or “12 Crafts Perfect for Toddlers!”.

Here’s what I’ve learned from my clients: bigger bloggers round up and share their own work in round ups.

Y’all, my first thought was, “Is that allowed?” Um, DUH Christina, it’s your blog, you can do whatever the heck you want! I totally thought that wasn’t in the rule book. That you shouldn’t repromote your old content in a round up you created using links to other people’s blogs. Really? Why not? What’s so wrong about that?

I shouldn’t assume that because you read my blog now that you have been since 2010. Why shouldn’t I share older content with new readers?

Serious. Duh. Moment.

So simple, and such common sense, yet I never even gave it a thought.

What about you? Do you create round ups? Do you include your own work? You should!



  1. I’ve struggled with this, Christina. It doesn’t bother me when other bloggers include their own posts in their round ups, but it doesn’t feel right when I do it (although I do include mine own). Loving these tips!!

  2. Enough can’t be said about round ups! I need to start doing them to fill in some space when I can’t post as frequently! Thanks for sharing this information! I have a link party on Saturdays and would love if you would come share with me!
    Hope to see you there.
    Abbi @

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