You don’t have to be a better you. I’m starting the year with that thought on my mind. Within seconds of the ball drop on New Year’s Eve, my social media feed was filled with “New Year, New You” sentiments, weight loss plan sales, resolutions, outrageous goal-setting programs, new planners, and more. If I’m candid, I think I’ve tried them all – or at least more than a few – of each. And failed at 99% of what I’ve tried. In the last three years, my life has changed drastically. If I believe what social media tells me I should boss up, set a ton of goals, and hustle my way to a better (richer, prettier, fitter) me. This year, I don’t plan to try. Because of my mental and physical limitations, it just isn’t realistic. What served me well in my 20s, just doesn’t anymore. (And probably didn’t then.)…