Hello All! Today is my 32nd birthday!
I’m going to be off celebrating today with a friend and a very adorable younger man (her 2 month old) ;).
Graphic from The Graphics Fairy
But my birthday isn’t the only exciting thing happening here at The Scrappy Housewife!
Would you believe it? Next month is the 1 year bloggiversary for my lil’ ol’ blog here and I. Want. YOU! I would love, love, LOVE it if I could have some of you guest blog that week.
If you would be interested in guest blogging and promoting your blog here that week, please email me at thescrappyhousewife(at)gmail(dot)com
I would love blog posts that reflect things we discuss here regularly:
1. DIY
2. Crafting
3. Food/Kitchen (tips and recipes)
4. Organizing
5. Scrapbooking
I’ll be back later with an update on the Homemakers Challenge and how the crochet is going…(oy crochet!)
1 Comment
Happy Birthday!!! If I didn’t have my hands full, I’d totally try to do something for you. I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for a year already. Wow! My two year is next month also. 🙂