This post could easily be named “We Aren’t Hoarders, I Swear”. I considered it, but then I figured you wouldn’t believe me and sense it was a cry for help. Let me explain.
Here’s my coffee from this morning:
I poured said coffee at about 8 AM this morning. This is exactly how it looked 12 hours later when I returned home. I managed to get two or three sips. Why?
This is our basement. More precisely this is about a third of our basement. Here take a closer look:
This is what the basement looked like this morning (though I took these pictures yesterday when there was better light). When we moved in we knew we wanted this space as our family room, and we planned on getting new flooring once we’d saved up (we’re still planning and saving, but we’re close!). But it quickly became a catch all for broken down boxes and other miscellaneous “stuff” as we unpacked (we’re still unpacking).
Then Hurricane Sandy hit and we used it to store all of our outdoor furniture and anything we couldn’t tie down.
Now, however, we’ve realized that we have no room whatsoever on the main floor for a Christmas tree and hubby is tired of feeling cramped in our narrow living/dining space, so we decided this week that we’d focus on at least getting down into the basement to start cleaning it out and move our “family” room stuff downstairs.
We spent the morning clearing out the basement living space (but not the nook, storage room or guest room – told ya it was big…), renting a truck to haul it all to the recycling center and moving the yard stuff back out into the yard. Then we ran to Ikea to get some inexpensive side tables and a couple of Poang chairs so we can set up a seating area down there until we can get new carpet. Will it look like a college dorm? Probably, but at least people won’t walk in on a mess in the more formal space on the main floor.
Last night we also picked up supplies at Lowe’s so I can make over the scariest room in our house – but I’ll share that space with you when I’m done.
Ah the joys (and never-ending work) of homeownership. 😉 Happy Saturday y’all!