Today marks a milestone in The Scrappy Housewife blog’s history…I get to participate in an awesome blogger meet up this afternoon with Jane @ The Borrowed Abode and some other bloggy friends. So exciting! Don’t worry, I’m taking a camera and will post all about it next week. I just know you’re dying to see what happens when a bunch of bloggin’ ladies get together. 😉

So, in order to keep it fun around here today (and since I posted my Saturday Scraps yesterday to share that awesome Michael’s deal with you…) I thought I’d do something kinda different, courtesy Kelly over at Simply Kelly.

She tagged me in a fun little questionnaire and I couldn’t resist playing along! Here goes:

The Rules:
1. Post the rules
2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions the tagger gave you in their post & then create 11 new questions for the people you tag.
4. Tag 11 people and link them in your post
5. Let them know you’ve “tagged” them

11 Fun or Random Facts About Me
1. I grew up in Florida, but moved north to be with my hubby. He was worth it. 😉
2. I can cry out of my ear – really. I have an extra tear duct in my left ear. When I cry, it cries. I’m a mutant. 😉
3. I took hula and Polynesian dance lessons as a child and as a result can do a mean Hula dance, even to this day. 
4. I love vintage everything – to the extent that I feel like I was probably born in the wrong time period. I’d dress like Betty Draper and Joan Holloway every day if I could afford it. 
5. I am a rabid fan of the following shows on TV: Mad Men, Pan Am, Revenge, Downton Abbey, Ghost Hunters, Community, Parks and Recreation, The Office, and 30 Rock.
6. I collect cookbooks. They’re kind of taking over. Hubby likes them too.
7. Hubby and I met online long before it was “cool”. So long before it was cool that my family still thinks it’s weird – and some of them don’t speak to me because I “married that guy from the internet”. (Nevermind the fact that I dated said guy on and off for uh, ten years – including a year and a half of chatting before I’d even agree to meet him in “real life”.)
8. I absolutely adore Scooby Doo cartoons, old and new. Hubby thinks it’s funny until I point to our growing collection of Disney movies that are all his
9. My biggest guilty pleasure is magazines. Like, it’s a problem. I have way too many and need to purge badly! (Don’t worry, I’m not a hoarder.)
10. I collect blue Ball jars. My most prized one (yes really) came from my husband’s aunt. It was her mother’s and it still has the vintage seal around the top. When I asked her why they stopped making them with the zinc top, she replied, “Um, World War 2 ended?” and laughed. I love her!
11. I’m a night owl. Like severely. It’s now 2:11 AM as I write this. Told ya.
Questions From Kelly For Me To Answer

1. Where is the coolest place you have traveled?

Probably Germany when I was a little girl. I don’t remember a lot about the trip, but I do remember seeing swans for the first time, and the fun candy! And I definitely remember how spotless everything was. Seriously, there wasn’t litter or dirt anywhere.

2. What is your favorite book?

This changes all the time. I’m an avid reader. Some of my favorite authors though are James Patterson, Charlaine Harris and Agatha Christie (I am a huge Poirot fan!). Come to think of it, all of those people are mystery writers…I sense a trend. 😉

3. What are you most thankful for in your life?

My husband. We spent 10 years going back and forth on dating and being together, but I waited him out and he finally came around. 😉 Seriously though, he is the most patient man I have ever met and he only wants me to be happy. He never asks me to be something I’m not (which, if you knew how nutty I am sometimes you’d nominate him for saint) and he does an impeccable job of taking care of me.

4. What is the best concert you’ve been to?

Harry Connick, Jr. by far. He is so personable. I’ve seen him in a huge setting and a smaller venue and each time he talks to the audience and interacts with people. It’s awesome.

5. What is your favorite Superbowl party recipe? 

7 layer Mexican dip. I could eat it by the pan. Seriously.

6. Why did you start blogging?

My friend Eva @ Tales of the Scotts saw some pictures I took on Facebook of a project I made and asked me to guest post for her blog’s anniversary in 2010. I said yes and turned in a tutorial. On the day of the post, I wanted to comment, but couldn’t figure out how and somehow accidentally created this blog! Which is partly why the URL for my blog reads “accidentalhousewife10” – but there’s already an accidental housewife blog out there so I changed it to The Scrappy Housewife because I love to scrapbook (when I make time for it). I just can’t seem to change the URL.

7. Did you have any resolutions for 2012? 

So many! You can see my post for my goals for 2012 here.

8. Who is your favorite author?

Some of my modern favorites are up above there, but I also love classics like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Harper Lee and Kurt Vonnegut. And Hemingway. I LOVE Hemingway.

9.  If you could switch careers and have your dream job, what would it be?

I had my dream job. I was a teacher for 5 years. I miss it sometimes, but not the headaches it caused. Now I’m learning to create my dream job. I’d really, really love to become a professional blogger and get paid for it. I’m working toward that now.

10. Whats the best movie you’ve seen lately?

Huh, honestly I don’t watch that many movies. And I hate paying movie theatre prices. Some of my favorite movies though are Clue, Anchor Man, Gone with the Wind and Funny Girl. (Weird mix right?) Right now, I’m really enjoying Downton Abbey on PBS. It’s not a movie though – more of a mini-series.

11. Charlie Sheen or Kim Kardashian?

Oh god, neither? I can’t stand that we even give these people the time of day, much less our money. I feel sad for Charlie Sheen – addiction is a horrible thing.

This, however, sums up my feelings about Kim Kardashian and all of her clan:

Questions for those that I tag 
1. What do you do when you aren’t blogging?
2. What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
3. If money was no concern, where would you like to live and why?
4. What cause is nearest and dearest to your heart?
5. What’s your favorite way to relax?
6. “Live” TV or Netflix/DVR?
7. What book is currently sitting on your nightstand?
8. What’s your biggest fear?
9. Are you a planner like me or do you enjoy being spontaneous?
10. Why did you start blogging?
11. The classic question: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet and why?

People I am Tagging (feel free not to participate, but I’d love to see your answers!)
Tales of the Scotts
The Distracted Blogger
The Foreign Domestic
The Borrowed Abode
First Home Dreams
A Home Made By Kiki
and anyone else who would like to participate! Please let me know if you did so I can pop over and see what you wrote! 🙂 

Thanks Kelly! This was fun! Happy Saturday everyone!


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