So if you follow me on Facebook, you know that this week I’ve been planning a big “freezer cooking” day this Saturday. While this isn’t my first round of preparing things specifically for the purpose of freezing them for later use, this is the biggest and most involved by far.

Since some of you had questions and seemed super interested (honestly, I was surprised at how many of you asked great questions or indicated you needed/wanted to know more) I thought I would throw together a couple of quick posts that would let you know how I’ve gone about it. It’ll also give me a chance to answer your questions directly.
First of all, please know that while I could recreate the wheel, my goal for the year is to simplify so I have been more than eager to accept help from around the web. Also, recognize that what works for me may not work for you, and that’s OK!
I knew that this time I would need to be more organized and have a plan so I started by popping over to Money Saving Mom and downloaded her free Freezer Cooking Printables pack.
It includes a shopping list form, prep list, and master list for recipes you’d like to make.
Then, I headed to Pinterest where I did a search for freezer cooking meals and came across a list of 8 simple but hearty recipes from Six Sister’s Stuff that are designed for throwing together quickly and then tossing in the freezer. I just picked a few I thought we’d like and added them to the master list I printed from Money Saving Mom.

I also decided that I would make my mom’s secret sauce in the slow cooker as well and made sure to add that to the list. All that was left was to print off the recipes and do the shopping! I’ll be back with more on how I simplify our freezer cooking on Monday!
Don’t forget that I’ll be live Instagramming our cooking tomorrow. If you don’t already, make sure you follow me on Instagram here. I hope you’ll join me!
Note: There’s a part two! You can find it here.

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