We are tired. Very, very tired. Here’s why:

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As I write this, we are desperately trying to entertain two very energetic puppies. Yes, two. (We are clearly insane.) Just a second ago, I had one in my arms while Adam entertained the second one. Hold on, wiggly puppy in my lap…

OK, I’m back. So. If you were wondering what we’ve been up to, that’s it in a nutshell. My house is a hot mess. I’m struggling with crate training. (Please note that the puppies are NOT struggling with crate training. I am. I just hate puppies cries when I put them in the crate…)

My OCD and anxiety have been on edge mainly because I’m not getting enough sleep and I rolled over in bed a couple of days ago and managed to pinch a nerve in my neck which is causing some exquisite pain. (Leave it to me to screw up my neck by rolling over.)

I’ve got some fun things coming up though, so keep an eye out.



  1. So glad you finally got your puppies 🙂
    Regarding crate guilt – the best thing that ever cemented crate training in my mind as a “good thing” was working at the vet hospitals. When pets have to stay for treatment, the ones who weren’t well crate-trained found it so stressful and upsetting to be crated /caged in the hospital – but crating was so necessary especially after a major surgery. So … You’re just ensuring they are well adjusted for life. You can do it! I feel the same guilt when I put the poodle in her crate but I know it gets easier.

    • Christina Reply

      Well right now, they are smashing me against the side of the couch with their snuggles so I guess they aren’t mad at me 😉

  2. Stephanie Carroll Reply

    They are so cute! I know you’re tired. I’m so glad you guys got them.

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