Round ups – an easy post to throw up and fill editorial calendar space, while highlighting your new blogging friend’s work. If you’ve been around long enough in this world of ours, you know these became popular quickly and (hopefully) drive great traffic. I’ll admit that what I’m about to share is simple, but it was another “duh” moment for me. I always kind of saw these as filler posts; ways to share other people’s work and get attention on Pinterest. I never really considered how they could benefit me aside from getting repins or being eye catching because I had “50 Ways to Cook Eggs” or “12 Crafts Perfect for Toddlers!”. Here’s what I’ve learned from my clients: bigger bloggers round up and share their own work in round ups. Y’all, my first thought was, “Is that allowed?” Um, DUH Christina, it’s your blog, you can do whatever the heck…
Top Secret Blogging Tips #5 – Social Media
Last week, we talked about self-promotion and how you need people around you who will be willing to promote you and that you need to be willing to promote others. Why? Because of the bigger bloggers I work for, all of them post around the clock on social media. Day. Night. Weekends. When you’re probably asleep (but the other half of the world is wide awake). So how do they do this? Well no one is staying up 24 hours a day to post on social media. Instead, they utilize a variety of scheduling tools. Yes, we’ve mentioned that they have staff – virtual assistants like me – or family and friends that help them out. But even with people to help out, no one can do it all and do it 24 hours a day. The lesson here? You need to utilize scheduling programs as much as possible.…
Top Secret Blogging Tip #2 – One topic, Multiple Posts
I’ve begun sharing some of the things I’ve learned while working as a virtual assistant. This is the second in that series. You can find #1 here Last year, I had the pleasure of attending Online Blog Con – a blogging convention entirely online. And as a bonus, I was assigned a mentor to help me address some of the things I struggle with as a blogger – like say, posting consistently. Especially when the depression/anxiety stuff kicks in. My mentor Kayla from Say Not Sweet Anne suggested that whenever I could, I should split posts into more than one. Got a bathroom remodel? Give each step/part it’s own post. Want to share spring cleaning tips? Give each tip a starring role in a separate blog post. It was a really eye opening thought for me, and I can say that as I’ve been working to be more consistent, it’s…
Top Secret Blogging Tip #1 – Link Parties
You guys, in case you don’t know, in addition to this blogging thing I’m also a virtual assistant to other bloggers and small business owners. Now, I won’t say who I work for, but I can tell you that over the last year and a half, I’ve had the pleasure of working for some of the best in the “business” and along the way, I’ve picked up on some of the things that make them the “best”. In order to give back to the blogging community that I’ve been a part of since 2010, I thought I’d share with you some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked up while working for these awesome men and women. Let’s get started. Tip #1 – They promote a single post for at least 10 – 14 days initially and then re-promote it over time. Now, I hear what you’re saying, “Wouldn’t people get sick…