Hey guys! Thanks to a heads up from A Home Made by Kiki, I’ve decided to participate in the Homemaker’s Challenge – 31 Days to Clean. I first heard of 31 Days to Clean, over at Eat at Home and bought the ebook several months ago and then promptly left it sit on the virtual shelf. 😉 Tell me you do that too…
You can read a description of the book here.
Basically the challenge isn’t just about cleaning your home, but exploring your motivations for doing so and learning to live not just between chores, but really live and engage in things that make you happy.
I will be very honest. This is faith based and I realize that it probably isn’t for everyone. I’m going to be blogging my progress through the challenge a few times a week for the next 4 weeks. If this isn’t your cup of tea then please feel free to skip these posts. They will be clearly marked so you can skip em if you like. You won’t hurt my feelings. I’m not going to try and push my faith on you or preach at you. Promise. This is just something I struggle with (cleaning constantly and feeling obligated vs. living and enjoying myself and making time for myself) so I thought this might help. Kristina at A Home Made by Kiki is going to help me stay accountable as are some other fine folks participating in the challenge.
You can find out more about the challenge by clicking the button at the top of this post.
And don’t worry, if this isn’t your thing, I completely understand. I’m going to continue to post about crafting, cleaning, DIY and just life in general here at the Scrappy house. As a matter of fact, we’re going to have our first GIVEAWAY tomorrow. The post is already written even. 😉 Make sure you check back tomorrow!
Yay!! Thanks for the shout out! I’m really looking forward to your posts on this…I hope I can keep up! Can’t wait to see what your giveaway is tomorrow too!
AWESOME! I hope you kick some serious dust bunnies with this project.