spring dejunk process

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Spring De-Junk Challenge and Giveaway. Organizing and cleaning your home is much more fun with a friend, so join us, and let’s get de-junking!

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Today is Day 1 of our 10-Day Challenge to Clean, Organize and De Junk Your Home for Spring.


If you missed the post introducing the challenge, click here for directions and details.

Today, I thought I’d share with you my simple process for purging and clearing out the clutter – my husband would say it doesn’t happen often enough 😉 – but it really is easy!

dejunk step 1

Any time I work to organize and clear the junk out of a space I like to move quickly and clear everything out in one fell swoop. But, you need somewhere to put all that “stuff” that you’re going through so yesterday I ran to Lowe’s and grabbed 3 boxes, the kind you’d use for packing and moving. I put those together and then used some chalkboard tape to label them Put Away, Recycle, Donate. (You’ll see these when you follow along on Instagram. I just move them from space to space as I fill and empty them.) I also keep a big (and I mean like lawn size) trash back with me for garbage. I’m lazy y’all. Ain’t nobody got time to run to a trash can every 5 minutes!

dejunk step 2

I love setting a timer. It tends to keep me focused (especially these days). If I know the clock is counting down, I’m working fast and I’m motivated to beat that clock! It also means I’m not spending a ton of time deliberating on an item that really should go.

And I like to be ruthless! Haven’t used it? It goes. Doesn’t fit well and make me feel good about myself? Donate! Seriously folks, this stuff ends up taking up valuable real estate in your house and your brain. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life! Get purging.

dejunk step 3

OK truth time, this is the hardest part for me. If I’m feeling lazy, it’s really tempting to leave stuff in the “put away” box for “later”. Don’t let later happen to you! Go ahead and reset that timer and move fast, putting things back where they belong and taking items to donation or recycling ASAP. If you let it sit, that’s where it will stay. For the purposes of our challenge, I’m having Adam help me stay accountable to get things put up and get them out of the house if needed. And it helps that I’m sharing this journey with all of you over on Instagram. If you notice I’m not getting things put away, call a girl out OK? It’s time to get the junk up outta here!

Before you jump into the challenge, how about some inspiration? Visit each of our participating bloggers to see our best cleaning and organizing tips for Spring.


#1: Decluttering Tips for Kids from One Creative Mommy

#2: My Process for Purging the Junk from Christina, Plain and Simple

#3: De-Junking Checklist Printables from The Princess and Her Cowboys

#4: Garage Sale Tips and Tricks from 4 You with Love

#5: A Busy Woman’s Guide to the Best Cleaning Products from Occasionally Crafty

#6: Declutter Your Mind to Declutter Your Space {Book Review & Giveaway} from The Frugal Foodie Mama

#7: De-Junk Challenge: How to Organize your Closets from Juggling Act Mama

#8: Hats Off to Organization from Redo Mom

#9: Get Organized in the #SpringDeJunkChallenge from Fearlessly Creative Mammas

#10: Spring Declutter Project from Krystal’s Kitsch

The Giveaway:

No challenge is complete without a giveaway. One lucky de-junker is going to win $210 to spend at Amazon.com!  Good luck with the challenge and the giveaway. No matter who wins, we all win with a cleaner and more organized home.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you join the challenge, feel free to leave me your Instagram handle in the comments so that I can follow your De-Junking Journey. If you’d like, tag me (@christinaplainandsimple) in your Instagram posts so that I can follow your progress.



    • Christina Reply

      Thanks Marilyn! I can’t wait to get around to see every one else’s tips! 🙂

    • Christina Reply

      Same here Valerie! I can gather it all together and then it sits! Working on that though.

  1. Love the simple steps. I have the same challenge you have – feeling lazy or just not motivated. I go through cycles of no purging to ruthless purging (with no in between).

  2. I love the “Be Ruthless” and the “Donate Immediately” tips. Last time I dejunked, it took me almost a year to have a garage sale! Yikes! Thanks for joining me for the challenge!

  3. I absolutely LOVE cleaning out rooms and getting rid of stuff. My hubby likes order, but not getting rid of stuff…I do my best work when he’s not home. lol This post is so great and totally inspiring! I’ll be filling the back of my suburban for a trip to Salvation Army by the end of the week! Pinning! Thanks for linking to Tips & Tricks! Can’t wait to see what you link up next. 🙂

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