Well as promised I decided to give y’all a peek at what I’m working on for my next project. A while back I showed you this picture:
It’s a hint to what my newest project is and while I’m not entirely ready to tell you what that is or reveal my big plan, I did want to show you some awesome storage I’ve come up with using the jars you see in the picture. Here’s what I did:
As you can see there are different sizes and shapes of glass jars. Some of them are from pasta sauce, salsa and even pickles. We don’t have a recycling program at our apartment complex so I try to reuse what we can and the rest gets schlepped to the recycling center. I chose to use these jars as a new storage solution for the little things that clutter up the area I’m reworking in our apartment. Here’s what you’ll need if you want to make similar storage jars:
- Twine (I got mine at Dollar Tree – $1.00 for 180 ft. I did not get anywhere near using the whole roll.)
- Scrapbook paper in the color of your choice
- Hot glue gun.
Here’s how I did it:
For the twine wrapped jars I simply glued the end of the twine to the jar and then wrapped and glued/wrapped and glued/wrapped and glued as I went. It was kind of a great mindless project. I just turned on HGTV and relaxed! I think I first got the idea for wrapping glass containers in twine from Thrifty Decor Chick. Love her.
For the jars covered in scrapbook paper I simply measured the inset of the jar where the label was and cut 12 x 12 paper to fit and hot glued the ends into place.
To make the little labels I used my Cricut (but you could definitely use a circle craft punch or even an old school geometry compass) to cut circles of two sizes and just glued them together and then onto the jars.
The total for this project was maybe 50 cents. For six jars. Six! Can you believe it? I can’t wait to show you how I’m going to use them. The bright pop of color is really going to bring life to a currently sad and relatively non-functioning space.
This post is partying at (You can find links to their blog on the right):
House of Hepworths – Hookin’ Up With House of Hepworths
Christina’s Adventures – 20 Below Thursday

Those are cute. Can’t wait to see how you use them:)
Ohhh the twine looks really cute on the jars! Can’t wait to see what you do with them!
Oh, jars are such a great {and cheap} organizing container! We use them all the time! Thanks for linking up!
Becky B.
Organizing Made Fun
Nice. I love the idea of reusing jars. I homeschool and have been saving some, like the cute small jar my freeze-dried coffee comes in. Found you at OMF and am following your email updates now. Looking forward to checking out more of your organizing ideas.