Remember all that talk about me finally getting a craft area? Yet, I never seem to show you do I? Well, I’m so excited because I’m finally going to show you from start to finish where my little corner of the world began and where it is right now. I’m an organizer, so I’m sure at some point it will change, but I am so thrilled to have a little space to move around in and craft and scrap! 🙂 Let’s take a little tour shall we?

Here’s where we began last January before my Office Decrapification project began:

Here’s what it looked like after I finished cleaning and we added some new furniture pieces from Ikea:
It was functional, but also more of an office area than for crafting.

After living in the space for awhile we realized we only really needed one desk for office type things and I was usually the one using it so we made The Hubs desk the “office” and my desk became a crafting area for me. Here’s the space now:

I took down three pieces of my homemade artwork and added some grid storage from AC Moore that I got for $15.00 (Reg. $29.99). If you look closely, you can see my Gadanke journals hanging there! I also cleared out the office supplies and nestled in my scrapping scissors caddy and my Cricut. Off to the left side is my photo scanner that I talked about in this post.

Here’s an up close picture of all that organization:

I haven’t added text to the labels on the jars yet, because I’m still trying to figure out what I want where. You can find more information about the jars here. Below the hanging rack is a magnetic strip for hanging bits of projects that I’m currently working on. My favorite part is the ribbon rack. I just pull and cut! I also made some extra ribbon storage out of an old cous cous container: Super simple.
On the other side of the desk to my right is another grid system; this time from the Container Store. It holds larger items like my Cricut mats and the inserts for my scanner. I’ve also positioned my sewing machine on my workspace. It’s out of the way, but ready to go when I need it. So much better than having to drag it out of the rolling cart each time!
The bin below was the inspiration for the colors in the space. I found it at Target and fell in love with the jewel tones. It houses some premade scrapbook pages and all of that kindergarten work mom saved. I’m going to use it to store current projects.
Here’s a picture of the tidied up corkboard and storage drawers area of the space. All that is scrapbook supplies. I kid you not. (Hi, my name is Christina and I’m a scrapbook hoarder…)
Here’s another picture of my corkboard redo. You can see I’ve filled it up with embellishments for an album I’m working on for a friend. Don’t worry – it’s on The List. (Sorry for the crappy night shot.)
And speaking of The List – here’s that pile I showed you; only now it’s all been gone through and organized by project. Easy peasy. And yes, I’ve been working on it. 😉
Oh and one last thing. Remember this? I had asked in a previous post what you thought it might be…no one guessed it so I’m spilling the beans.
It’s a cord catcher! It sits at the back of my desk and holds the adapters to all of my favorite crafting supplies – glue gun, Cricut and sewing machine! All I have to do is grab one and plug it in to the back of the tool! 
I am so excited about this. I’ve been more creative in the last two weeks than I have in a year! Everything is at my fingertips. I’m just putting on the finishing touches of the organization (where everything will go) – but now I have room to grow. I’m not cramped for storage space anymore! 
So, whatcha think? How do you organize your craft supplies? 

This post is partying at:

Blue Cricket Designs (see sidebar)
Handy Man, Crafty Woman (see sidebar)




  1. So jealous! 🙂 Although I did give up my craft space for a good reason. Looks great though. I always love that idea of a ribbon holder.

  2. Great organization. Love the cord catcher. For me when organizing my crafts, I love to find a new use for an item. Sometimes it’s a case of “I knew I bought that for a reason”!

  3. NIce job! It feels so good when the clutter is gone, I know. I just decluttered my space yesterday. It is so hard to get started when you know it is going to take a while…congrats to you for just diving in and knocking it out! Looks great and ready for a new project! : )

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