minted collage to choose from


You guys! Remember a couple of weeks ago I had you help me pick out some artwork from Well it’s here! And it’s in a frame and hung up! (I’m not always the best at getting things done right away so I’m counting that as a big win.)

Seriously, I couldn’t wait to get it on the wall and show you. It is so awesome. (They aren’t asking me to do this, I just really liked it in person and couldn’t wait to share. I love it that much. No lie.)

First though, let’s talk about what you chose. In my very non-scientific accounting of your votes, it was a three way tie for C, D, and E! Even you guys had trouble choosing. And while I loved all of the options…well, I went rogue and chose a different one than all of you. So here goes. I chose…



And here it is in my guest bathroom!


the fountain
I had to take the picture in the bathroom mirror (it’s a small bathroom) – that’s why it looks backwards.



I hung it a little higher than I normally would just because I was afraid I’d hit it every time I tried to change out the towels. I probably could have gone up to a 16 x 20 print size (I went with 11×14), but I think this gives me an opportunity to do some decor around it which I’m actually pretty happy about.

In case you’re interested, the frame is this one from Target.

So, what do you think?

Oh, and one more thing. This isn’t the only goody I picked up at But you’ll have to wait for that. 😉


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