Hi, you Scrappy Housewife fans.  I’m Susan from Organized 31.  I met Christina almost a year ago and treasure her friendship and sense of humor.  I’m so happy to be here sharing one of my repurposed projects with you.
Organized   31 - Fun or Scary Halloween Luminary Decorations from Repurposed Plastic Jars & Cans

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The first thing you need to know about me is that I hate to throw away (whether in the recycle or in the trash) anything that can be repurposed.  The second thing you need to know is that my family loves Halloween.  And the third thing to know is that I enjoy doing easy craft projects with my kids.  So, I’m a happy, happy mama when I can combine the three in one project.

With a family of 5, we produce a lot of empty food containers.  I really hate to just throw them away if I can find a way to repurpose them.  I do save some glass jars, but I prefer collecting plastic containers so I don’t have to worry about one of the kids (or their friends) breaking them or getting hurt.  I simply collect the jars as we empty them, wash them well and store them in the basement until I find a project for them.

I love luminaries and outdoor decorations for Halloween.  I wanted to make ones that I knew would be safe for the little trick-or-treaters.  I worry about candles and breakable decorations with little ones walking up to the door in the dark on Halloween.
So, I grabbed my collection of plastic containers and my collection of vinyl.  This is the perfect project to use up those little vinyl scraps.  Grabbed the scissors and was ready to go.
Cut the vinyl to make fun or scary faces for your containers.  Use your imagination to create different faces for your containers.  My children had fun creating and making their own luminary faces.  This project is as quick and easy or as complicated as you want to make it, so it’s perfect for children of all different ages.

I even added bolts to this cute little Frankenstein.  I used the scissors to poke a hole in the can and then added the bolt.

These were bolts I had left over from another repurposed project when I used a table I’d found on Freecycle to make an Upcycled Sign. I was thrilled I’d found a use for those left over bolts.

If you choose non-opaque containers, then you can add a candle to make your luminary.  I recommend a battery-operated one like this for safety purposes.

You can imagine how great these will look on my front walk-way lit up on Halloween night.

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How fun and how easy, and how repurposed! Have a happy and green Halloween.

Susan, I love these! Y’all, please go check out Susan’s blog Organized 31. She’s a military wife and mom who knows her way around organizing, cross country moves and repurposing what you’ve got to make your home feel special. Thanks for sharing with us! 

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